When one of my clients told me recently that she was the only remaining member of the company’s twenty person training department, I was at first shocked. Then I asked, “How could I help?” She asked that we prepare a list of things she needs to consider as she picks up the pieces. Below are the results that I sent her from Eagle’s Flight. Of course we at Eagle’s Flight are here to provide guidance on all these points, including providing content, but my hope is that you can utilize this information as a guide to help you.
1) Vision: Have a clear and stated line of sight between the intent of every course and delivery on the company’s plans/objectives.
2) Content: Concentrate more on participants being able to leave knowing exactly how to apply what’s taught rather than covering a lot of theoretical content.
3) Teach Less: Learn More: In each course cover off less material, and put more time into practice. This ensures participants truly understand what’s expected.
4) Inspire Accountability: Require participants to have a prior discussion with their line manager regarding an expectation of improved performance as a result of the course.
5) Build Relevance: Establish an “advisory council” of line managers as a preliminary screening group who’ll review courses for relevance and practicality before they are given.
6) Experiential Approach: Wherever possible have learning be experiential and discovery rather than “lecture and workbook.”
7) Engage Senior Leaders: Use senior managers throughout the course content, either live or on video, to provide company specific relevance.
8) Training Transfer: Build pre and post course work into all content to ensure the learning does not fade and has on the job practical relevance.
9) Integrate: Link all learning and development to other HR/OD functions such as: performance management, succession planning, career planning and high potential programs.
10) Results: Have as a test for the training functions, the following question: “Are we committed to delivering training programs or to delivering the results possible through training?”
Email me anytime with questions!
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